Wednesday, May 7, 2008

What's Going On

I started my day off by dumping a freshly brewed 16 ounce mug of chai tea on my bed. I soaked the pillow, the mattress pad, down to the waterproof mattress cover. I forgot to strip the bed until later and when I sniffed the sheets, they smelled really... good, like some sort of spicy sweet candle. It's a good thing it wasn't coffee with milk. I am in my 70th hour without coffee. I had a terrible headache Monday night, Tuesday day and night, and oh, yes, let's see, Wednesday (today) also. I have been having some caffeine still, just from tea, and I did have one Diet Mountain Dew yesterday. I also have not had any alcohol since last Monday night. After my many drinks in Raleigh I decided to take a break. I am downing fruits and veggies and having strange cravings, such as oatmeal, or yogurt. I have been taking vitamins, which I never, ever do. What's going on, you ask? I really have no idea.
I went to my therapist on Monday and we were talking about the sleeping situation. Now instead of just co-sleeping with Anna in Dave and I's bed, we have started a new trend. Jonathan and I sleep on the air matress in Anna's (never been used) bedroom, and Dave and Anna are sleeping in Dave and I's (Dave and I's? Me's? That doesn't seem right?) bed. I told my therapist, I know it's not the best solution. And she said, no, actually it's a terrible solution. And I thought, yes, it really is both terrible and ridiculous. So I am proud to say that last night for the first time EVER, Anna and Jonathan slept together on the air mattress and Dave and I got to sleep together in our own bed! My ultimate goal (and this is gonna sound really crazy) is that we utilize all three of the bedrooms at the same time.

1 comment:

Lara Anne Morgan said...

I am so excited that you actually slept in your bed with just you and Dave! That is so exciting (not that there is anything worng with co-sleeping...I just know that no matter how little we might want to admit it, sleeping without our children is just more comfortable!)