Monday, May 12, 2008

Mother's Day

Anna woke up at 4:00 AM on Sunday. She was chipper and requested popcorn and pancakes for breakfast. Yes to the popcorn, and are you kidding me to the pancakes? I was exhausted because she had also stayed up late the night before. We are still struggling with sleep issues even though she is completely done with nursing. We needed to get to church by 7:30 or so, so we woke up a very cranky Jonathan, who loves to sleep in (he's my child). Then Dave had them present me with my cards and gift. I wanted some pictures of this moment. Jonathan spent picture time throwing himself around on the floor and crying. Most of the pictures are me with this big artificial smile on my face with Jonathan pinned in a headlock that I am trying to pass off as a hug. We got to church, Jonathan had a huge fit, then I served in the nursery for the first service. Anna was dedicated this Sunday (she was the oldest kid up there I think) so I brought her in with me to second service. The little darling managed to fall asleep in the front row at our church, on the drum side, to some very loud and bangy (but very good) worship. I'm like seriously??? You can't sleep in a dim room with your silk-silk blankies and me rocking you and singing to you and reading five books and all of the other ridiculous goings on that you've been putting me through to punish me for taking away the boobs? It used to take about 30 seconds for her to fall asleep; now we have to go all out. So Anna slept through her dedication. Whatever.
Then I jump in my Mom's van, send the kids home with Dave, we race through the McD's drive-thru and I order a grilled chicken sandwich. I chomp happily on it until I reach the middle and realize it isn't cooked all the way inside. How is this even possible? Wasn't it like pressure-cooked and freeze-dried in 2003? No time to get anything else: my Mom and I are on a mission. We both need shoes for the wedding, and possibly some other accessories and makeup for my Mom. We both find shoes at the first place we stop (which considering what specific requirements we had, this is like a Mother's Day Miracle!), then we head onto Kohl's to make some other quick purchases. It's a good thing we are quick, because then we swing by Publix and pick up some stuff we need for a big family cookout. 2:45 we are back at her house, cleaning and cooking and cutting and chopping until 6:00, when we finally feed everyone (I think there were at least 25 people?). We don't leave there until 9:00. Both kids fall asleep on the way home. Jonathan transfers from the car and stays asleep. Anna does not. She keeps me up until at least 11:30. I am so exhausted I finally fall asleep before she does. Who knows, maybe she got up and went and did some paperwork, did her nails, caught up on some reading. I am so tired.

We were at the health food store this weekend. I wanted to get some Doctor Kracker flatbreads (so much like birdseed; yet somehow, so good) and also, some probiotics and aloe vera gel for my Mom's stomach. I spotted some homeopathic calming (Translation: sleep!sleep!sleep!)tablets for children with Curious George on the front. I snatched them up and said, oh we have got to get these! Dave said, What's in them? To which I replied, Do we care? He chuckled, and I was like, I am not kidding and threw them in the cart. Well the "monkey pills" aren't working. I gave them to her last night and she started running around pretending to be a monkey. So Happy, happy, happy Mother's Day to me. I think God was looking down and thinking, hey, you asked for this, and you got it. You're a Mom, with all the good and all the bad that comes with it.

But I am just soooooo tired. And so whiny. In case you did not notice.

1 comment:

thedooligans4 said...

Oh, and I figured out (after parading around all afternoon at Lara's church) that this shirt REALLY needs a tank under it. Otherwise it's not cute, just trampy. Sorry, Holly Springs!