Saturday, May 17, 2008

Jonatha's Comments about E.T.

The whole family sat down to watch E.T (TIVO'd version, luckily, the kids freak out during commercials. I think they think I changed the channel). I figured it would be like most non-cartoon movies and Jonathan and Anna would be tired of it in 15 minutes. I was very wrong. Jonathan and Anna loved the antics of that little alien. I'm trying to remember all of the things that Jonathan said during the movie.
"He likes chocolate?" (while ET ate reeses pieces)
"Aliens don't sleep" (to which I said, "Why not?" and he said "because they wouldn't have any beds up in space" I actually wander if he knew that they'd just float right out of a bed in space)
"How's he do that?" (anytime ET makes things fly)
"He can talk!"
"Is he going to die?"
"He uses manners!" (at the end when ET says "Thank you")
"Why does he have to go home?"
"Can he come back and visit?"
Oh, to have the simple, clear logic of a child (and retain my adult intellect at the same time, obviously).

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