Sunday, May 18, 2008

10 Simple Pleasures

From Jessica's blog, it was supposed to be five, but I can't decide which five, so here's ten.
1.) Sunday afternoon naps
2.) Reading books with my kids
3.) Diet sodas that aren't terrible tasting (like Diet Mug Cream Soda or Diet Sunkist)
4.) Picking out a new shade of polish for my toes (like this pretty metallic pink coral I just got!)
5.) DVRed The Office reruns
6.) Facebook (Love it!)
7.) Being up before my kids so I can start the day off peacefully (I am pretty cranky in the morning, and we are all so much happier if I can get my bearings before I have to deal with any other human being)
8.) Watching my kids while they sleep
9.) My little purse sized New Testament Bible (Message Translation. It is purple! Love it!)
10.) When Dave makes waffles and I wake up to the sound of the beeping of the waffle iron.

1 comment:

Jones said...

oh I am SO with you on the Sunday afternoon naps and watching my kids sleep!!!

it is a smoother transition if I get up before the kids. I mean otherwise I run around fixing sippy cups of milk and getting breakfast on the table and then feeding the baby and then cleaning it all up and THEN I can finally go pee....this situation doesn't enable me to be the happy go lucky mom I always want to be! lol