Saturday, May 3, 2008


Anna has officially been weaned! We have had success! She went through her booby milk detox successfully (and more notably, I think, so did I) and is now in her fifth day of "rehab." I have not caved! She has replaced me with Dora the Explorer. When she goes to sleep at night, she has to have Dora on. When she wakes up crying for nay-nay, she can be consoled with Dora. It distracts her just enough so she can eventually calm down.
She has developed a new way to keep me awake though. When it's 2:30 in the morning, she wants Dora, and she wants me to watch Dora with her. When I drift off to sleep, she actually pries my eyes open with her fingers, and says, Mama! You not watching Dodo with me!!!!!
This is insanely annoying. Dora is obnoxious even on a full night's sleep, but at 2:30 in the morning, she is positively unbearable. I have had some very dark thoughts about her. (Dora and Anna, to tell you the truth.)
So the past week has been an adventure. I had the MOST fantastic time ever in North Carolina. I don't think I have laughed so much in my entire life. Like laugh so hard your face hurts, your have side stiches, and you lose control of your bladder!!!! That kind of laughing. I so needed some time with my BFF. It was the perfect place for me to run away to. We did some major bonding! When I came home, Anna sort of just fell into my arms and immediately asked for nay-nay. This was sort of heartbreaking! But I think the whole weaning process has been good for all of us. I have actually gotten some solid stretches of sleep this week. I am feeling ever so slightly more sane.
And my worst fears did not come true. I had heard horror stories about what can happen to your breasts upon weaning, and I am relieved that mine look pretty much the same as they did before. (Pretty darn awesome! No, I am just kidding!)
My other concern was a little less rational. I was sure that Anna was going to reject me as her mother and simply refuse to speak to me when I came back home. Of course, this has proven to be a ridiculous fear. We have a great relationship that is based on lots of other stuff beside breastfeeding. Like building Potato Heads and playing Candyland, painting with watercolors, going to the playground, picking flowers, reading book after book after book, lots and lots of other stuff.

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