Friday, May 16, 2008


I am just crying my eyes out! Dave and I are working on a slideshow for Cory and Erin's wedding and just watching it made me cry. Watching them grow up before my eyes, and thinking about them getting married and all that it means... I am going to have to watch it a 1,000 times before next week so I don't just completely lose it. Get desensitized to it a little bit.
Seeing the pictures are so cute but some of them just make me so sad also, like seeing my Dad and Mom and us all when our family was young and intact. What happens? How do you just lose love and dissolve a family? Can you really? I completely understand why my parents divorced but it is just something that never seems to stop hurting me. I'd rather focus on the bad times because the happy times make me so much more sad.
Dave also made the comment: Can you imagine doing this for our own kids? And that just set me off worse! I was already thinking about pictures of them all dressed up at the wedding and being 2 and 4 and just flashing forward to them growing up and getting married... I mean that's my goal, to have them grow up and away, but I just wonder how? How will I ever let them go? How does a mother bear this? Maybe they are easier to let go as teenagers, but it already is so bittersweet to watch the years pass by. Another day gone, and you can't get it back. Even though I have loved them every minute of their life and some days seem to last forever, I can't believe how fast the past four and half years have gone by. And I wonder, have I loved them enough? Have I showed them the right way to go?
Boo-hoo! I better go research what the most foolproof waterproof mascara is to wear to the wedding.

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