Thursday, June 19, 2008

So Savage, Yet So Refined

I overheard a conversation between my nephew Trystan and Jonathan today that made me laugh. They had dumped all of the popcorn shrapnel from the bottom of a bag of Smartfood popcorn (which I love, and I considered eating the little bits off the floor. Which I did not do.) and they were eating it like dogs, face down on the floor, no hands, growling.
Suddenly, Jonathan jumped up and ran over to get a toy. Then he walked back and said to Trystan: Is this the popcorn store?
T said: Yeah, it is.
J says: Can I have some, please?
T: Sure you can! (picking some off the floor and handing it to Jon)
J: Thank you, Trystan.
I mean, one minute they are smashing their faces into the floor and barking, and the next, they are so polite, they practically sound British!

Anna is this way also. She's two and a half now, and she is able to express herself very well. Just this morning, she asked for a Kid's Meal for breakfast (a Kid's Cuisine frozen dinner). I said nooo, how about some cereal? I woke up with a headache this morning and thought of microwaving chicken nuggets made me queasy. In response to my no, Anna threw herself down on the tile, screaming in complete and utter despair, big, fat tears rolling down her neck. I honestly have not one clue as to what she was saying. It was instant hysteria. The screaming was making my head worse, so I gave in (I fling open the freezer door and slam a Kid's Cuisine on the counter and huff and puff all over the kitchen. Fine, Anna! I'll make you a stupid Kid's Meal! Just BE QUIET PLEASE!). My parenting is always the best before 7 AM. I am such a delightful morning person.
When Anna saw she was getting her way, she immediately jumped up, and in the sweetest little voice imaginable, blinking up at me with those big baby blues and that little angel face, Mama, can you please make me a Kung Fu panda one with chicken nuggets cut up and a baby fork and spoon?
It amazes me how my kids can swing back and forth to such radical extremes everyday. It's like they are bipolar or something. Sometimes Jonathan can be the most mature, thoughtful, reasonable kid around, and other times, he just acts like a loon and completely throws me. Sometimes Anna can be this terrible tantrum-throwing two-year old toddler and other times, she is just a perfect little lady and an absolute delight. I guess the thing to be grateful for here is that they do transition. Jonathan does not act like a wild beast and Anna does not act like a terror all the time. I'd really be crazy then.

1 comment:

Jones said...

I am EXACTLY like your two kids...I don't know how Rocky puts up with One minute I'm a terror the next, I'm happy and laughing...when this behavior happens I'm shocked that Rocky perhaps wants another child, much later, doesn't he realize he's better off with me without the pregnancy hormones raging?!!!!!!