Tuesday, June 3, 2008

My teeth are wiggling!

Jonathan and I were swimming in a very chilly pool, and he said, Look Mama! My teeth are wiggling. I was like, what! You can't have loose teeth yet??? And he says, No, Look, they are wiggling! His teeth were chattering really bad, because he was so cold. It was so cute, his eyes were all full of wonder. I think he was so delighted that his teeth were doing something all on their own.

A couple of days ago we were in the pool and Jonathan had water go up his nose and started sneezing all this nasty gunk out. He said, Yep, that water will clear your sinuses right out.
I assume he picked this up from someone, maybe my Mom?

We went inside and I was chatting with a friend (so I have a witness to this) and drinking a Diet Mt. Dew (which is a terrible thing for anyone to drink; just one of the many things Lara has gotten me into: Facebook, tattoos, cheese sauce on hashbrowns...). Anna came up and was begging me for some of my so-so (soda). I said No! She looks up at me and said, It not have caffiene in it, Mama. She said it so clearly! I did not know she even knew about caffiene. Of course, this was completely the wrong argument, since Diet Mt. Dew is definitely caffienated.

We are trying to start the potty training process with Anna, and she requested Princess Belle pull-ups (which I found, even though they also have all of those other princesses on them, inferior ones in Anna's eyes, like Cinderella and Ariel) and a Princess Potty. I told her they don't make those, and she thought for a minute, and said, just get some princess stick-sticks (stickers) and put on there. That was pretty smart! So I went and got her this little pink cushy potty at Wal-Mart, but I forgot the stickers. She remembered it, but agreed that she could cope until I could get back to the store. She finally worked up the nerve to sit down (seriously, the thing is only about 6 inches off the ground) and try it out, and she was clutching the sides so hard. She looked up at me with enormous eyes, and said, I can fall in this pot-pot, Mama? I had never even considered that she might be nervous about this. I thought that she just did not want to sit on the potty because she was being stubborn. So far, she says, I have to pee! She runs in there and sits for a few minutes, says Not yet. And then she goes and stands up and pees in her Pull-Up. So I have switched her back to diapers. They are much cheaper.

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