Friday, April 25, 2008

Jonathan Can Write His Name!

Today Jonathan went and got a piece of paper and a marker, and wrote his name, J-O-N! All by himself, without any prompting from us. I am just thrilled with him. He was so proud of himself. The look on his face was so cute.
Unfortunately, this proud accomplishment coincided with another first: catching Mommy and Daddy in The Act. This has never happened to us before! Of course, we had locked our door, but we underestimated Jonathan. He figured out how to pick it in a few seconds. We had told him to go play, that we were taking a timeout. We did the exact opposite of what the parenting books and magazines say to do in this situation. Instead of remaining calm and acting natural and not making a big deal out of it, we both started shrieking at him. When we went out there, he showed us why he had to come in our room. He had written his name for the first time! We made a huge deal out of it and hopefully he won't remember this incident. I don't know, I remember lots from when I was four...
Oh, he wrote his name backwards, but I wrote my Jamie with a backwards and upside down e on the end forever.

1 comment:

Jones said...

caught in the act huh? the act of what??? I don't get it... lol, that's hilarious!!