Tuesday, April 15, 2008


Sometimes after we go to the gym, we walk across the parking lot to Walgreens and the kids get to pick out either a treat (edible) or a suprise (a toy). Yesterday Anna picked out some charms for her new purple Crocs: one of a horse, and one that said Best Friends. She also got a tub of Play-Doh. Jonathan got a plasma dinosaur. The lady at the checkout counter put their suprises in separate bags, which they really loved, and after a loooooong day, I could have kissed her for it! This meant that they each got to carry their own bag back to the car, and I did not have to negotiate any sort of compromise between them about who got to carry the bag and who had to carry their suprise without a bag. When we were walking out, Anna said, That lady's a good guy!
Except for she says yady, which is even cuter. She has really picked up on the whole good guy/bad guy concept from Jonathan and Trystan.
I told her that her charm said Best Friends, and I asked her who is her best friend? She thought for a second and said, Bubba's my best friend. Later that night, I was giving them a bath. Jonathan kept filling his mouth with cold tap water and spitting it at her. She kept screeching in protest, and he would giggle hysterically and do it again. I said, what a minute, I thought Bubba was your best friend? To which she said, No, Mama, you my best friend.

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