Monday, April 21, 2008

I'm leaving on a jet plane!!!

I actually bought a ticket. I am leaving to go to NC on Saturday! I will get there on my BFF's birthday! And I am staying three nights and leaving to come home Tuesday afternoon. My mom says we are putting Anna in a couple of days of detox. Even though I am worried about being away from the kids for so long (I have been away from Dave before for two weeks, but never the kids for more than one night) I am really excited about the idea of going on an airplane alone. Without a carseat and tons of other kid gear. It will be like when I used to travel with just my backpack and no luggage. Getting to spend time with my best friend, and not having to worry about anyone but myself for a few days. It will be like a vacation! It is exciting. I think I will still cry when I walk away from them at the airport. But I think it will be a good thing to go away for a few days.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think it's a great idea. Have fun! Everyone needs a break from the routine once in a while. I won't tell Mom you said she was right!