Thursday, December 24, 2009

2009 In Random Review

I went back through 2009's files, clicked on the first file for each month, and uploaded the first picture in that file. So this is pretty random... Above: December, our little scientist at work at his school's Science Night.

November, Anna fell asleep with her nebulizer treatment going. She had a bad croupy cold.

October, trying out Lara's vanilla bean frosting. Our first experience baking with real vanilla bean. Dave said it was the best frosting ever.

September, a picture I took of Jonathan's artwork (that I think was actually painted this summer?)

August, fun at Nona's pool. Jonathan was helping Biscuit out of the pool. Those dogs look so ugly cute when they are wet!

July, again at Nona's. Biscuit is in the shopping cart, apparently wearing clothes. Trystan, and Anna, and Justine, with her sweet friend Serisa over.

June, Anna being silly. I think these were some of the pre-dental work pictures we took. They did an amazing job fixing her teeth with porcelain crowns. The crowns, and accidentally washing our poor cat in the washing machine and running up a large vet bill, were two of our big expenses that summer.

May... some of the cases for nursery at out church. Our church went portable this year, and has Sunday services out of a local elementary school. I was probably taking photos of them all packed up so we could remember what went were. This case has the flooring, and the two folding chairs, and the two rocking chairs.

April. Jonathan was going through an anti-photo stage.

March. Dave and I were out on an early date for his birthday. I really think this photo was taken on the last day of February, but I am not sure. I wish I wore makeup more often, did my hair, wore flowers in it... Naaah.

February. Anna conked out on the sofa. I can't remember where we were, but she fell asleep in the car, and then stayed asleep to transition to the couch. Sweet girl.

January. At Fazoli's with our best friends, The Morgans, who came to visit from NC. We were trying to get the future Mr. and Mrs. Henry Morgan to pose together for a pic. Henry was cooperating, Anna was not. Also, about this picture, Dave, have you thought about bringing the beard back?

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