Thursday, September 25, 2008


I was thinking the other day about how wierd I am being about all of these bugs. I have not relaxed one minute since Sunday, and I am constantly scrutinizing all of the surfaces of our house for bugs. I still have not returned to my own bed, in spite of my two hour deep cleaning I did of our bedroom. I did find a Golden Oreo cookie under there (from about 6 weeks ago, courtesy of a bad day with Anna where she defeated me and I let her lie in our bed and eat cookies). So maybe now that I have removed all potential food sources...

Anyways, I was thinking of things that I would not describe as phobias, but more like severe aversions. Here's my list:

Pennies (I HATE them. I don't like touching them. I don't want them in my wallet. I've felt this way for a long time. They creep me out. Lara, do you remember when the girl at the cookie place tried to give me my change, and I acted like a freak about it? )

Wooden coffee stirrers. (If I even see one, I get the chills. They set my teeth on edge and make me feel like gagging. I know that it has been going on since August of 2004, when I got a coffee stirrer from Cin-fully Delicious down in Palm Bay. I was driving Dave back and forth to work (when he broke his ankle and both of our cars were manuals). Every since that day, I can't stand the things.

Hair products. Now this is wierd. I purchase them, because I am always trying to improve my hair. But I can't stand having them in my hair. I got my hair cut the other day and Maura asked me, do you want hairspray, and I was like NO! Then I had to explain that I can't stand hairspray. Whenever I have hairspray or other products in my hair, I can't stop thinking about them being in my hair, and it gives me a tension headache.

Bird feathers. This is fairly common. I am not alone in this aversion! I also sort of hate birds. I know they are supposed to be beautiful, but I really hate them. They scare me. I hate the way they fly and the way they have feathers.

Does anyone else have wierdness like this? Please share.


Anonymous said...

Other people's ringtones. My own is OK, though, because I like it when people call me.

Fleas. When I have fleas in my house, I get sort of obsessive about the constant vacuuming, combing the cats, etc., (because you HAVE to be, it's the only way to get rid of them. And they BITE ME!.)

Ice cube trays. I don't use them anymore, I just buy ice.

Umbrellas. 95% of the time, I would just rather get wet than carry one.

Coupons. Watering my lawn. I really just can't be bothered with these things.

thedooligans4 said...

Ohhhh! Good ones, Meredith!
I never use umbrellas either. I am too clumsy and just get wet trying to fiddle with them to get them up or down! And coupons just make me buy things I don't really need just to "save money." Or, I try to use them on something useful, but then I forget to give them to the cashier, and I feel guilty about it for the rest of the day. And I have never watered our yard. I think people who are slaves to their grass are just wierd. It is such a strange thing to occupy yourself with. We all have this little patch of land around our houses that we spend time trying to obsessively maintain, keep green and bug free, and it serves absolutely no purpose. Trees, flowers, veggie gardens, I can see. But grass is just grass.

Anonymous said...

I can really relate to this discussion, so here is my list:

Emptying the litter box - I hate that ammonia smell that engulfs you as soon as you take the lid off. I always turn my head when I do it, and try to do it without looking. That way I feel like I'm getting less of that disgusting smell. Of course it's hard not to spill some litter on the floor when you can't look at what you're doing.

Mowing my lawn, which should be easy because I have a riding lawn mower and I like to make nice orderly stripes in the grass as I mow. The reason I don't like to mow is that there is ALWAYS something wrong with the mower that prevents me from actually mowing the lawn. How was I supposed to know that some gauge was stuck, thus causing all the gas in the mower to leak out through the engine onto the garage floor? And how was I supposed to know that the oil was not good any more and would cause a huge cloud of white smoke to billow out over the mower (and me) when I tried to start it?

Taking out the garbage. I always felt that a MAN should be doing this job!

Getting rid of the leaves every fall. I normally use the above mentioned mower to mulch the leaves, but it's usually a self-defeating task because as soon as you have the lawn looking pretty clear of leaves, a rain/wind storrm comes through and blows down all the relatives of the leaves you have mulched to take their place.