Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas Eve 2008

Justine was making Anna crack up!

The traditional sprinkling of the magic "goats" (we had our perennial misunderstanding between the words oats and goats, and Anna further muddled the whole thing by deciding that we were feeding Santa's goats (rather than his reindeer!).

Anna with her cheeks stuffed full of Santa's cookies! The kids remembered that we needed carrots to go on the plate. We always put cookies and carrots out on a plate for Santa and the reindeer. But this year Anna said, "We need carrots AND celery for Santa's goats!" The way she says celery is cute enough to break your heart.

Justine and her mini-me in their pretty Christmas dresses from Nona.

Oh, the confidence that comes from knowing just how darn cute you are!

Anna and Justine with their spoon sunglasses.

Jonathan all snazzy for Christmas Eve service.

Don't I look like I am in good humor while getting dressed for Christmas Eve? I was feeling SUPER happy. And not at ALL stressed.

Anna preparing the magic oats for Christmas Eve. (Recipe: two parts oats to one part glitter. Sprinkle over yard on Christmas Eve.)


Lara Anne Morgan said...

Justine looks just like Jason in these pictures! I hope you had a Merry Christmas! I am looking forward to talking to you (tomorrow) and seeing you (next week sometime?). Miss you guys!

Anonymous said...

It was a Happy Christmas at the Dooly household. Of course, when you have the cutest kids in the world, how could it not be?