Monday, October 27, 2008

Top Ten Things That Stink About Today

1.) I woke up at 2 in the morning and was unable to go back to sleep. But I did watch some very enjoyable season six episodes of Friends.
2.) I sat through two green lights in a daze and was rewarded with some very agressive honking fits which always makes me freak out and almost go through the now red lights.
3.) My house, especially my kitchen and my laundry, is out of control.
4.) I burnt the roof of my mouth on some stupid microwave pizza. Now my mouth hurts and the pizza made me feel sick. If I had burnt my mouth on some excellent pizza, it might have been worth it.
5.) I went to walk my Mom's dogs and neglected to take my phone with me. Which everyone who knows me knows I am addicted to my cellphone and I get very nervous and obsessive without it. Of course, the preschool called, and Anna has a raging case of pink eye, which I swear! materialized after I dropped her off at 9 AM. I really hope they believe me, I know how contagious it is and I would never send her to school with it. I also feel bad that I was unavailable and that my husband was unavailable (in a meeting and did not recognize the phone number). They had her in quarantine when I picked her up (not really, she was just playing with some toys behind the front desk). Her eye is so nasty that Jonathan got in the car and immediately said, Why does Anna have a green eye? Now he keeps calling it Anna's black eye and we keep telling him that it is called pink eye. But they both tell us, no, it's green! (Accurate!)
6.) Our pumpkins are rotted and disgusting and I swear you can smell them on the porch from the end of the driveway. What did they make it, three days? At least the experience was a memory and the pumpkin seeds were yummy.
7.) One of the darling babies droppped a toy on my finger yesterday at church (his name starts with a G and he's one of my favorites!) and I thought it hurt a lot but I just tried to act like I was not about to cry. I felt like a wimp having the babies beating me up in front of the other nursery volunteer. But now my finger is all bruised and swollen and red and it still really hurts. There is a little cut on my finger where the toy struck it. On my other hand, my middle finger is infected from my compulsive nail biting this weekend (I got so out of control I had to take Advil because it was waking me up in the middle of the night). I am trying to soak it in Epsom salt but I am afraid I am going to need an antibiotic.
8.) I have lost a library book and am going to have to just go pay for it. It some kiddo book about rainbows? I asked Anna if she had seen the other book we were missing, Mr. Sneeze, and she said, Oh, yes, and went and showed me it was behind Jon's bed. She is always keeping track of everything.
9.) Jonathan got in the car and started crying his eyes out because he had a bad day at school. One of his friends really hurt his feelings. He came home and just shut himself in his room and cried. I kept thinking he must be sick, and I kept asking him what was wrong, did his head hurt, and he finally said, I'm not sick, Mama! Nothing hurts, I'm just sad!
10.) We now have to go and wrestle Anna down and put eye drops in her eyes. She fights like a cat about stuff like this and is freakishly strong for her size. One good thing is that Dave came home to rescue me. And to help me out with everything from things 1-9.

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