Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mother's Day

Anna drinking her tea (apple juice) at the Mother's Day Tea at her preschool.

Anna saying her prayer before eating.

Anna and Mama, self-portrait.

Anna's growing up into a little lady... love her.


Julie said...

So precious! I love the crossed leg... such a little lady. And my favorite pic is the self portrait!

Meredith said...

y'know... I think she's actually starting to look more like David.

thedooligans4 said...

Um, yeah, I've been saying that for the past 4 years. Jonathan actually looks more like my childhood pics as far as the shape of his face and his eyes go. He is like my brother and me and my Dad also with a little Gee thrown in there around his mouth, that wide-mouthed grin. We have noticed more and more lately that the kids resemble each other far more than we ever realized. Anna's eyes are definitely far more Dave than Jamie. I mean, I think she is prettier than Dave, of course, but I have always thought she looks just like him. Whenever he is holding her and they both look over at me, there is this uncanny resemblance that I can't quite name. But then the odd thing is that she resembles Justine so much at the same age... I can't figure it out. But just so you know, her eyes aren't blue OR green. They are AQUA. She will make SURE you know this.