But it took some major work. There was a lot of silliness!
AND quite a bit of melodrama. Once it was over, Anna declared that she would never again wear a bun in her hair. NO MORE BUNS, EVER! (The Great Bun Proclamation of 2010).
Like, Oh my gosh! Can you bee-leeve my Dad is putting my tights on? (Can you see the total attitude here?) Dave had to be the one to put the special recital tights on. My nerves were shot from the bun and makeup ordeal, and if I had ripped the tights while putting them on, I would have probably started weeping. They were very, very special plain pink tights. ;)
Jonathan popped in right at the last second. He was so good today about letting this be Anna's day. He was very patient during the loooong recital. We were gone for a total of 5 hours and he was so well-behaved. He told Anna on the way to the car, You did a good dance, Anna. :) Yesterday when she was talking about being up on the big stage for the dress rehearsal, he asked her, "what if you mess up, Anna?" She was like, "Mess what up?" He said, "You know, you get up there on the stage, and you don't do your dance the right way and you mess it all up." She just stared at him blankly. I don't think it had occurred to her that there would be any way to mess it up. Funny and sad how we change as we get older...
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