Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Anna's Haircut

Taken before we got in the car to go to Snip-it's. We've been growing out her bangs forever, and I've been trying to leave the length of her hair alone until ballet recital in May, but I decided it was making us both miserable, and if they REALLY need my 4 year old's hair to be in a ballerina bun, then maybe my 4 year old doesn't need to be one of their ballerinas. So...
We got it cut. I watched with pride and irritation as she let Miss Minnie comb through it, cut it, blow it dry, and then use a curling iron on it. WHAT?! I can't even go near her with a brush and she is screeching. Hence the haircut! But...
She was so proud of how she looked. She felt really special! But when I look at this picture, I think, gee, this really doesn't look like my girl Anna. Where's my girl who doesn't like hair bows (because as she says, I don't need them. I am already beautiful.) and who won't pose for pictures (because as she says, I'm too busy!)? Where did that girl go?
Oh, yes. Found her! Here she is.


Unknown said...

That is such a cute hair cut! She is adorable!

Julie said...

I love the haircut! She is so darn cute!

Meredith said...

I love that last picture!!!!!