Anna's First Steps! January 2007! We still had our Christmas train up and she put my scarf on and started walking. I think maybe she thought it helped her balance. Above, me hugging her right after she toddled over to me.

Early 2007. Back in sweeter times, when they didn't battle constantly. Watching TV together. Jonathan still had his "space boots" on from his surgery.

My birthday last summer. We had such a great trip to Amelia Island. It seems like that was SUCH a long time ago. This year has been so long but so brief at the same time.

My BFF Lara brought her 3 boys down right before my birthday last summer. Anna and Henry fell asleep in the car together. Aren't they cute? Wouldn't they make a cute married couple?

Again at Amelia Island, my last birthday. This was the BEST smoothie we've ever had. Maybe because it was almost 100 degrees out. This trip was so much fun that I want to go there again. But I can't decide if we could recapture the fun, or if we would go and say, Oh, this just isn't as much fun as last time. Yes, I have to quantify and compare my fun.

Jonathan and Trystan being crazy cousins together. 2009? I think.

Anna going down the slide at Sea World. 2009.
Well, enough reminiscing... Jonathan just told me, "Mama, there's no wipes cause Anna stole the wipes and brought it to the other bathroom."
In the other room, Anna cackles evilly.
Is this normal sibling behavior? You know your brother is taking a poo so you run in and kidnap the toilet paper and hide it in the other bathroom?
Now she just turned sweet again, and brought him his vitamins.
"Bubba, I am worried about you. You haven't taken your vitamins in a 100 years. Here, take some!"
To which he replied: "While I am POOPING?"
The kid has a point. I think that is probably something you could find a rulebook to life somewhere, Thou shall not take vitamins while on the pooper.
Oh, and since I just kept typing and didn't get up, Anna brought him a roll. Now they are giggling hysterically. Now they are fighting. BEDTIME!
1 comment:
Sweet photos! What did Jonathan need surgery for?
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