Saturday, April 10, 2010

Kentucky, Part 2

The kids had so much fun when Grandma Jane let them have an outdoor fire. They loved finding sticks and breaking them into smaller sticks. Anna found this stick, above, and said, I found a cross!

Anna bringing the newspaper for the fire.
Jonathan on the hammock. The kids loved all of the free play time outdoors. They don't get enough of it down here. I don't ever feel safe to just let them play outside here.
Anna on the swing. She is starting to figure out how to pump her legs and swing herself.
I know her hair really bothers both Grandmas... but to be honest, I sort of like it all wild and free. Or maybe I just dislike all of the screeching and crying and power struggles that go on just to get ONE tiny barrette in it.

When Jonathan was a toddler and I was pregnant with Anna, we flew to Kentucky and visited Grandma Jane. He loved to play with this bat and ball set then. It is funny how it has gotten so much smaller since then... ;)
Jonathan, Grandma Jane's, Summer of 2005... They grow up so fast. I always heard people say that but I never really got it before I had kids. Watching them grow up is so bittersweet. Sweet because that's your job, to usher them forward through babyhood, toddler-hood, preschool years, school years, and beyond, and every time they pass another milestone, you feel so proud. But bitter because all that time is behind you now, and you can't get it back. The best thing about going on family vacations is that there is a huge disruption to your normal routine, and it forces you to stop and notice, to slow down and really take a look, and also, since everything is different, you make more memorable memories. Going back to Kentucky reminded me of all the other times we have been there. When Jonathan was just crawling, and then back a few months later, and he was walking. Then back the next summer with Anna in my belly. Back again when Anna was one and wandering around the yard eating sweet clover. 2 summers ago when Anna was 2 and Jonathan was 4, and then a blink of an eye, and now they are 4 and 6 and growing up so fast.

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