Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Jonathan's Latest Creation

Jonathan made this yesterday. He makes these amazing creations out of his Magnetix toys. This was his biggest "ball holder" ever, as he told me. The Magnetix come with lots of tiny metal balls and he is always making cubes and other shapes to hold them. He had to hold this very carefully because it was completely hollow and would fall apart. An hour later, he came up to me and said, Look I found a way to keep it together! He had put a long rod inside joining the very center, and it did make it much more stable! (See the top picture above, a view from the side, the blue rod in the middle.)
He told me he thinks he could "probably be an engineer." I told him his Mama believes he can be anything he wants to be!
Tonight he made a "dragon that was halfway under the water." He is so creative! It really did look like a dragon partially submerged underwater. I think that was even harder to build because he had to think about not only what something looked like, he had to think about what something did NOT look like. Some parts of it would be underwater, and not exposed. Is anyone else impressed?
School is starting to wind down for the year. They have about another month, but it just feels like summer is flying up on us. The weather has been gorgeous here. Like the most perfect weather imaginable, I think. Except for the lack of rain and looming brush fires, but let's not discuss that! Anna is going to take Ballet, Tap and Tumbling this summer. She has to wear either a black or pink leotard with pink tights. She has to wear her hair in a bun and securely pinned away from her face. She went in her closet and got her tap shoes that a friend gave us out and was doing some little dances. I expect that will be her favorite part of the class, since she likes making noise. Anna keeps saying she is going to ballerina school. So sweet! We will see if she enjoys the classes this summer. I am thinking that she is going to wind up in drama camps and classes in the future. She seems to have a knack for drama (in both a good and a bad way). Jonathan was offered the option of either Music classes, YEAH, YEAH, DO THAT! DO THAT! THAT's WHAT I WANT TO DO!!!... or, um, what was the other class again? Something with a lot of different sports and games.... He was so completely enthused at the mention of the word music that he did not want to discuss the other options.

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