I made this cake for my Mom's Easter dinner. I ran out of frosting, so Dave went to get chocolate eggs and Peeps. I wanted to cover around the bottom of the cake because there was no frosting and it looked really unappealing. He came back with bunnies instead of chicks, so the cake wound up not making a lot of sense. I wanted to write Justine, Trystan, Jonathan and Anna on the cake, but again, I ran out of frosting, so I just used a tube of frosting gel to scribble their initials under each bunny. Also, with no frosting, the chocolate eggs had nothing to stick to, so they kept rolling all around the cake carrier and I kept having to prop them back up against the base of the cake. However, the cake tasted okay, and the kids liked it.

4 kids trying to smile at 2 different cameras

Jonathan, 5 years old, Easter Egg Hunt at my Mom's

Anna, 3 years old.
I thought the cake was fabulous!
The cake looked fabulous!! love the dooleys...miss you guys!
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