Wednesday, January 21, 2009

On this date...

On this date, in 2006. Three years ago. Jonathan was 2 and Anna, not even a month old! It was Anna's first trip to the beach.
2006. My sweet baby girl.

Also 2006. Meredith was down from Kentucky meeting Anna for the first time. I loved this double stroller because I could recline Anna in it. She was sleeping and she was wearing her Future Senator hat that my brother got her. Jonathan was dressed up all fancy. I loved that orange Polo shirt he had. (Was it a Charlie hand-me-down, Lara?)

On this date, in 2007. Two years ago. We were sitting on the couch before we went to church. Jonathan was 3 and Anna was a little over 1.

2007. I can remember this like it was yesterday! We were snuggling and reading books.

On this date, in 2008. One year ago. Jonathan was 4 and Anna was just over 2. Jonathan had built this creation with his Magneato toys, and he was trying to keep it safe from Anna.

2008. Anna had put on Dave's big "boots" and was walking around the house with them on. They swallowed up her whole leg!


Little Gliddens said...

They grow up so fast! precious!

Lara Anne Morgan said...

That was so cute--you guys are so organized with your pics so you can go back through. It is only this year that I have started organizing them well. DId you read Jeremy's blog? I totally cried.