Thursday, November 20, 2008


Jonathan was eating dinner tonight. We put a reasonable amount of macaroni and cheese on his plate (like a half a cup!) and we expected him to eat all or most of it. We don't believe in force-feeding the kids, and normally I just completely ignore what they do or do not eat, and they actually eat more and better foods. The minute I turn it into a power struggle, it becomes, well, a power struggle! Dave brought home a chocolate fudge cake and the kids wanted some for dessert. I knew they were just completely focused on the cake (who wants to eat dinner when you've got cake staring at you from the kitchen???) and therefore did not believe them when they said, I'm full! I told Jonathan, just take three more bites, buddy, and then you can have some cake. (The irony of this, me pleading with him to eat his non-nutritious mac n cheese, is that this is one of his favorite things to eat! I was not asking them to eat Brussel sprouts, or some other quintessential anti-kid food!)
Did Jonathan take three bites, and then get cake? No. Did he refuse to take any bites, throw himself down on the floor and then not get any cake? No. He took two bites, but he told us that one of his bites was "two bites at a time." For a total of three bites. Hey, hey, hey, pretty clever, JonJon! Needless to say, he got the cake.

Anna's new thing is galloping. She is suprisingly graceful while she gallops. I sometimes wonder if she missed the spazzoclutzo gene from me and will actually enjoy taking a dance class or two during her childhood. I told her, Wow, Anna, you are really light on your feet! She stopped, mid-gallop, and turned around and looked at me, and then at her feet, very thoughtfully. Then she went over and stood with her feet in the shadow of the car. She said, Not anymore! I not have light on my feet anymore, Mama!

Sigh, my kids are so cute. You would never guess (except for I am going to tell you) that I had a complete mommy-meltdown about an hour ago, and Dave took them to story hour at the library. They (well, really, Anna) have been driving me nuts! Anna came up to me and hugged my knee and said, I love YOU, Mama! And what did I say in return?
I shrieked, Stop touching me! A second later, I realized that she was actually being sweet and I regretted the way I reacted. I don't know, I guess my brain just registered a sticky little hand pawing at my leg, and that shrill little voice piercing my ears, and I guess I just could not take one more little bit of annoyance from my child! Even if it was her being super sweet, and normally, on a better day, I would just melt into a puddle of ooey-gooey I love you, kiss, kiss, kiss, you're Mama's girl!!!! But no, tonight, apparently, I had reached my limit! I needed a break! Thank GOD FOR DAVE!! He gave them their baths and took them to story hour. I like to think that he did it out of love for me, but maybe it is really more out of fear for his children. Either way, I got a couple of hours of free time. I have mostly worked during it, but now I am goofing off and blogging. How did people used to relax? Blogging just has such a cathartic effect for me! It's like an emotional purge. Lovely. Although, I have to say, nowadays I consider any sort of solitude relaxing. When I was straightening and sweeping a little while ago, I was thinking to myself, now isn't this nice? That's what happens when you've stayed home for five years in a row! You start to think cleaning in peace is a real vacation.

PS Be prepared for some serious cuteness! Thanksgiving feast is tomorrow at the preschool! Expect pictures/video of them singing up on stage!

1 comment:

Little Gliddens said...

so cute!!!!
glad you got some free time! every mommy needs that!