Thursday, November 13, 2008

Mama ALWAYS wins!

We read a lot of Little Critter books by Mercer Mayer. They were always my favorites as a child, and my kids really love them now also. I think we own almost every single one.

At the end of Baby Sister Says No, there is a scene that has made a big impact on my kids. Baby Sister always says no to everything in this book (which you probably already gathered from the title!). At the end, Baby Sister does not want to take a nap, and she says NO! to her Mama. "But Baby Sister takes a nap, because Mama always wins." I always shut the book, and say, That's right! Mama ALWAYS wins!

This morning Jonathan was arguing with me over something (it was about the color of Robin's hair, you know, from Batman and Robin?) and when he realized I was correct, he said, Oh, you're right, Mama. You win. Anna overhead the conversation, and she said (with her hand on her hip), Don't you remember that Little Critter book, Bubba? Mama ALWAYS wins!

That's right, Anna! Mama always wins!

1 comment:

Lara Anne Morgan said...

so cute! ridiculously cute!