Saturday, November 1, 2008

Facebook Pictures of Halloween

I'm too lazy to upload and post the actual pictures from Halloween yet. We had a great night, even though I am still really sick (on antibiotics now for tonsilitis and a bladder infection). The kids were adorable and we got to have all four cousins together. It was highly bloggable. So expect a post later today. But if you just can't wait, check out the following link:

PS I think I look better with kitty cat makeup on. I wish I could just wear kitty cat makeup and ears everyday. It was so depressing when I scrubbed all that makeup off. My regular face was so boring. Next year, we are all dressing up: I am going to be Cat Woman, Dave will be Batman, Jonathan wants to be the Riddler, and Anna will be Poison Ivy. That's the plan. I will not look like Michelle Pfieffer though. Obviously.

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