Thursday, August 21, 2008


Well, our house is dry! Very happy about that. We moved stuff up and away in the area we thought the water would come in, but it did not, so am very happy. Like I said already. Very happy! It is STILL raining. This is unbelievable. But the roads have drained a little overnight. We are thinking about venturing out. I talked to someone down in Palm Bay who was able to get around. I am just thinking of getting in the car and driving to Winn-Dixie, which is less than a mile away. We are starting to run out of food options. I mean, technically, we could live for days, but the options are starting to look very unappetizing. Anyone for a can of diced tomatoes? Mmmmm. Now if we had some chips, I could dice up some onion and garlic, throw in some spices, and try to make it pass for salsa, or bruschetta, or something. Still, have nothing to complain about this morning. Other than that our TV is mysteriously broken (like we can't even play DVDS broken), and I wrenched my stupid back last night. I got up and ran into the armoire and hurt my leg, and I guess my reaction to the pain made me twist funny. So now my back is all messed up. I was up putting ice on it all night. Sorry, said I was not going to complain.
I really am grateful that our house is okay,
and I hope (pray) all of our friends and New Hope family have fared as well as us.
I am going to get pictures of our Fay experience from camera today and share them on the blog.

1 comment:

Sherry B. said...

Glad to hear all is well at your house..check out my blog for some Fay Fotos....Blessings!