Monday, August 18, 2008

Jonathan's First Day of Pre-K

Jonathan had a fantastic first day! At PreK! He was his usual groggy, grumpy self this morning while getting ready, until at some point he realized that today was his first day of school! Then he started jumping around and acting all excited. Dave came home from work so we could all go together. We took a LOT of pictures. He looked very handsome, and very grown-up. He wore his new z-strap Skechers, his brown Cars t-shirt and some khaki shorts (an outfit he selected the other day). He went right in his classroom, and sat down at a chair. I am so proud of him. His teacher said that he did everything except for fingerpainting, which does not suprise me. He has some issues about having dirt (or anything, really) on his fingers that he inherited from his Daddy's side of the family. Along with his genius brain! I give them credit for good and bad things. So I guess he was cooperative and good. I am so excited for him. I am so grateful that we have a good school with loving staff that we can trust with our kids. The morning flew by. Anna and I went to the library and ran some other errands, and then we went to pick him up. So it was not a big, sad thing after all. Don't you just love the picture of Jonathan and me? I am hugging him and he is like, c'mon Mom, I'm trying to do my work here. This is the last year I can ever go in his room and hug him on the first day of school. I don't want my kid to be a social outcast!

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