Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Here's Something

I saw this survey on my friend Krista's myspace (super cool girl, wish I weren't old and married with kids so we could hang out more!) and thought I would try to answer the questions. Last time (almost 2 years ago?) I tried to answer one of these things, I started seeing my therapist again. Because I just did! not! know! the! answers! to these stupid questions! Like coffee, or tea? That really stumped me. Sent me into an identity crisis. That's what happens when I get depressed. I lose my ability to make decisions, or to have the confidence that I can make decisions. Anyone who has known me for more than a minute knows that the answer is coffee! coffee! coffee! Tea's just alright, but I don't get crazy without it. I don't practically wreck my car when I see a place that sells tea.
Anyways, I am feeling pretty strong these days, so I think I can handle this survey! Here goes:

1.) Are you wearing a necklace?
No, all my jewelry is giving me a rash all of the sudden. Usually I wear a cross that Dave gave me as a push present (in the hospital after having Jonjon).
2.) Last thing you bought while at the mall?
Hmmmm. Hate the mall, dunno. Maybe dress shoes for Jonathan to wear to my bro's wedding? But there is a darn good chance that I bought a coffee there.
3.) Who is the main person you talk to everyday?
Wish I could say Dave, but I think it's actually my mother. If we lose contact for more than 12 hours, I get nervous.
4.) Ever been in an ambulance?
Thank goodnes, no.
5.) Tell me about the shirt you're wearing.
It's a white tank top. Very blah.
6.) Do you like your name?
Actually, yes, I do. I really like my middle name also. And my last name.
7.) Do you take the escalator, elevator, or steps?
The elevator. But I avoid escalators. They make me a little jumpy. I have to stay completely focused on the moment when I need to jump off. I envy people who look perfectly at ease on escalators.
8.) When was the last time you were at a circus?
Never. Does Cirque du Soleil count? Cause it's pretty awesome.
9.) What was your last large purchase?
Define large? Ummm, I guess we spent a lot on car repair bills last month.
10.) Where will your next vacation be?
There is a good chance it will be to KY, NY, or DC. Or NC. I want to go to Raleigh again in April, although this time I will stay away from tattoo places. Probably.
11.) What was the last thing you ate?
Dave made dinner: rice, orange chicken, stir fry and veggies.
12.) Last time you were at the playground?
I don't know? Probably when I was in Kentucky. I don't go outside if possible during the summer, because it's steaming hot and there are busloads full of daycare/summer camp kids everywhere, and they are usually wild and under-supervised.
13.) Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?
14.) Fancy restaraunts, diners, or fast food?
Honestly? I really don't like fancy places all that much, which is good, since I can't afford them very often. I like to eat. Pretty much anywhere. There's nothing like Taco Bell. Delish!
15.) Do you order more when you don't have to pay?
No! What kind of person does that?
16.) Could you go a day without eating?
Would I be tranquilized and hooked up to an IV, laying down in a hospital bed? That's the only way that's ever going to happen.
17.) What size shoe are you?
9, 9.5. (But my feet are friggin' beauties!)
18.) What's your stand on hunting?
I think it is completely unnecesary and I think you have to be mildly deranged to do it. I hate, hate, hate, hate it! (I only eat meat from animals that were killed in slaughterhouses.) Most animals that people hunt are not worth eating. Like a deer really tastes better than a cow?
19.) Do you have a dirty mind?
is this really a question? everyone has a dirty mind. mine is probably cleaner than most, but dirtier than some. ok, let's move on.
20.) What are you allergic to?
Penicillin, cephalasporin (both antibiotics). Mold, dust mites, dogs, cats. Grass, pollen....
21.) What would you do if you saw a person fall down a flight of stairs?
I would help them however I could. What would anyone else do? Who writes these surveys?
22.) Crunchy or creamy peanut butter? Creamy. But I love crunchy peanuts. I hate soft, boiled peanuts. Those are some kind of nasty.
23.) What are you doing tomorrow?
I have two meetings, then I am going to pick up my pottery that I made with Lara! Can't wait! I am hoping to get Dave and Jonathan to the barber shop. I will probably clean, do laundry... I know I will drink coffee. And brush my teeth, at least two times. And I will play Webkinz, because that is very important.

I cut about half the questions out. Apparently, Krista has more patience than me.


Lara Anne Morgan said...

totally fun! iam copying you (as usual!). Because Beach volleyball on Jer's 24/7 olympic channel and it is B O R I N G!!!

Kristaleigh said...

LOL... I am honored that you steal and actually read my surveys :)