Wednesday, February 20, 2008

One of THOSE Weeks...

Yesterday Anna dialed 911. She only had the phone for 30 seconds. They called back right away, and I reassured them that yes, everything was fine, and I confirmed my name and address. Anna had a stinky diaper and I was on my way to change it when the doorbell rang. Of course, it was a sheriff's officer, just wanted to make sure everything's okay. I was in my pajamas with no bra. Jonathan was in his pull up from the night before, with crazy hair and no clothes. Anna was just in a shirt and a diaper, with snot on her face and the same crazy hair as Jonathan. I wanted to say to the very young (and of course, very handsome!) policeman, listen, don't judge me, I know we look really gross, and my unattended 2 year old did dial 911, but I swear I am a good mommy! This morning after Jonathan and Anna had several fights (he calls her a poopy head, she screams and hits him, he cries and calls her a poopy head, she screams and calls him a poopy head and pulls his hair, he screams and cries and calls her a poopy head., and then he slaps her and pulls her hair, then she....), Anna took her peanut butter sandwich apart and wrote on the floor using peanut butter as her media, and I stumbled around forgetting half my stuff and dropping the rest, we finally got in the car to go to our playdate.
We got there a half an hour late, some woman parked in the middle of two spots, making three parking spaces where there should have been four, I backed my car into a wooden post, and said a bad word. Then we got out of the car and started walking towards the entrance and then I realized I forgot my two dollars (for admission) and decided to just call it a day and retreat back to my house.
I was typing this, and I heard Jonathan say, Oh, look, I found some toothpicks with red tops! He had pushed a chair over, and had found some matches on a high shelf in a cabinet.


Jones said...

sorry, that just makes me laugh!! I can just picture you in front of the door face to face with the 'handsome' officer!!

Anonymous said...

I wish you *had* said that to the deputy.

Or how about... (whispering) "I'm so glad you're here... I'm being held hostage by these two kids."