Wednesday, February 13, 2008

My Beautiful Brain!

I went to the doctor to follow up on my MRI and blood work. The fantastic news is that my brain is spotless! No lesions, no nothing! I am beyond relieved. The doctor said that my MRI eliminated MS, which is the thing I was most worried (okay, obessessed!) about.
The reason she wanted me to come in is that one of my blood tests was off. I have elevated ANAs with a dual pattern, whatever the hey! that means. I am being referred to a rheumatologist to look into it further. Based on the lab work, we know I don't have rheumatoid arthritis, which is also really good news. The doctor agreed that while I tested positive (based on her physical exam and my symptoms) for fibromyalgia , patients with fibromyalgia normally have "pristine" bloodwork. I am a little concerned that I still have all of these symptoms and no diagnosis.
But all I can hear right now is that my brain is fine. What's a little autoimmune disorder when you have a beautiful, healthy brain, right????
Dave got me a dozen roses today. I met him at home for the appointment and never even walked into the dining room to see them. I guess he was getting them to either celebrate good news or make me feel better after bad news. He is also making me dinner. A pizza with pepperoni, bacon, green peppers and garlic.

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