Tuesday, February 5, 2008

I don't even know what to worry about...

I woke up this morning thinking that I should be worried about my health, and about my MRI tomorrow. I worried (no,no, no, I would say I obsessed) about this until about lunchtime today, when my Mom and Ed stopped by to pick the kids up. They got some bad news about Ed's health this morning. I am now very worried about him (he's my stepdad, and the bad news is that his cancer has most likely metastisized).
Up until last week, I thought the thing I should be most worried about is our finances and trying to find a job to help out with that. Then I went to the doctor and promptly started freaking out about my health (except for a 30 hour break where I agonized over possibly taking that full-time teaching job, as mentioned in, "Am I an idiot?"). Now I am very worried about my Mom and about Ed. Why does it seem like life is either easy breezy or nutsy crazy????

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