Wednesday, February 20, 2008
One of THOSE Weeks...
We got there a half an hour late, some woman parked in the middle of two spots, making three parking spaces where there should have been four, I backed my car into a wooden post, and said a bad word. Then we got out of the car and started walking towards the entrance and then I realized I forgot my two dollars (for admission) and decided to just call it a day and retreat back to my house.
I was typing this, and I heard Jonathan say, Oh, look, I found some toothpicks with red tops! He had pushed a chair over, and had found some matches on a high shelf in a cabinet.
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
My Beautiful Brain!
The reason she wanted me to come in is that one of my blood tests was off. I have elevated ANAs with a dual pattern, whatever the hey! that means. I am being referred to a rheumatologist to look into it further. Based on the lab work, we know I don't have rheumatoid arthritis, which is also really good news. The doctor agreed that while I tested positive (based on her physical exam and my symptoms) for fibromyalgia , patients with fibromyalgia normally have "pristine" bloodwork. I am a little concerned that I still have all of these symptoms and no diagnosis.
But all I can hear right now is that my brain is fine. What's a little autoimmune disorder when you have a beautiful, healthy brain, right????
Dave got me a dozen roses today. I met him at home for the appointment and never even walked into the dining room to see them. I guess he was getting them to either celebrate good news or make me feel better after bad news. He is also making me dinner. A pizza with pepperoni, bacon, green peppers and garlic.
Saturday, February 9, 2008
Anna wide awake, Jonathan sleeping
Tonight Jonathan was tired and went to bed very early. Anna, on the other hand, got a 4 hour nap this afternoon so she was wired even at 9:3opm. We pulled out the digital camera and got some good clips. In this first video, Anna is coloring with finger paints and shows how she loves talking about the serious work at hand.
There is a funny game I play with Anna every once in a while where I ask Anna whose baby she is. Most of the time she'll say she's Dada's baby which annoys Jamie a little because of the amount of time I spend with Anna is so much less. However, on this unlucky night for me, Anna was Mama's baby.
Anna has been asking for Elmo diapers constantly every time we change her lately. Finally, tonight we broke down and got her some Elmo diapers at the store. Immediately when we returned home carried the bag of diapers to Mama and told her that she had peed and needed Mama to change her. We also noticed yesterday that one of Anna's teeth was chipped. We're not sure how she did it and since she's so rough and tumble it could've been about anything.
In this video we discuss supper and then afterwards we ask Anna about her hair cut. Apparently, one day Jonathan decided to give Anna a hair cut. What surpises us is how accurately he cut her hair considering he just started to cut paper a few months ago. I mean, he was no hair dresser, but he did about as well as I would've done. What also suprises us is how still Anna must've stayed while Buba cut her hair. It shows how she'll do anything to keep his attention.
Considering Anna is only two, she knows an amazing amount of letters. She knows as many letters as Jonathan, really. It all comes down to Anna loves attributing something to a specific person. When she found out that A was for Anna, D was for Dada, J was for Jonathan and M was for Mama, she was in love with letters.
A Fabulous Evening
Seriously, I love having kids, but having a break was absolutely FABULOUS!
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Maybe I had just built it up to be this horrible thing in my mind, and in the end, it really was not that bad (nothing in my life has ever been as awful as I've imagined it would be!).
I spent some time in hysterics tonight (and so did Anna) because I was misinformed by the nurse that I would not be able to nurse for FIVE DAYS. I calmed down recently and did some research (some really reputable medical journals, not just Le Leche League type sites) and was relieved to find out that the normal recommended amount of time is 24 hours. Even in 24 hours, Anna would receive MORE than 100 times LESS than the allowable dose of the dye for a child her age and size. I have already waited almost 15 hours. And most of the research was saying that there was really no need for mothers to abstain for even one feeding. It's not like a radioactive substance or anything.
Apologies to any males who might read this!
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
I don't even know what to worry about...
Up until last week, I thought the thing I should be most worried about is our finances and trying to find a job to help out with that. Then I went to the doctor and promptly started freaking out about my health (except for a 30 hour break where I agonized over possibly taking that full-time teaching job, as mentioned in, "Am I an idiot?"). Now I am very worried about my Mom and about Ed. Why does it seem like life is either easy breezy or nutsy crazy????
Monday, February 4, 2008
Jonathan's Good Deed and his First Solo
At Little House of Music, he sang his first solo! The only other time we have gotten him to sing into the microphone was to be part of a trio. But today he sang all of Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star. I was so proud of him!
Also in music class today Miss Treble and Mr. Bass were joined together in marriage by Brother Brace. It was pretty exciting!
Anna Banana
Sunday, February 3, 2008
JoJo's 10! (Sniff, Sniff!)
Saturday, February 2, 2008
Am I an idiot?
I just left a voice message and e-mailed him back stating that I did not feel the job was the best fit for me. And now I am wondering am I an idiot? Yes, I am taking a poll, feel free to comment!
The job would have been working with some really fantastic teachers, a really positive and supportive administration and faculty, and some of the brightest and best kids in this county.
But then there are some other issues at hand. The kids were all either 10th graders or seniors in high school, and I just feel more comfortable with middle schoolers. The commute (including dropping my kids off at my Mom's) would have added two hours to my day. I have some nagging health issues that need to be resolved (since it seems my normal life is almost overwhelming me right now), and then there is my stepdad's health. I don't want to burden my Mom with taking care of my kids when her first priority should be her husband, and I know she would never be able to say, "No, I really can't do this." And then there is the idea of being away from my kids 40 plus hours a week, having to work on school stuff even when I am at home, and dragging them out of bed at 5:45 in the morning.
So maybe I am a little bit of an idiot. The money would have been nice, the experience would have been great, and who knows when such a good opportunity will come along again. But the thing I do know, is that the opportunity to be with my kids when they are exactly at these ages and stages will NEVER come along again. That is a certainty.
Friday, February 1, 2008
Jonathan has really been learning a lot, and he loves all of the fun songs. Tonight when I got home he brought the MagnaDoodle to the couch, sat down with it in his lap, and very carefully drew an f, for forte. I am so beyond proud! This is the first time he has really been able to reproduce any letter so well. He sort of draws Js but they are usually upside down and backwards.
I leave home for a couple of hours and he just takes this huge leap! How neat is that?