Sunday, October 10, 2010

Happy Birthday Countdown!!! Jonathan's 3

Jonathan at the pumpkin patch again... right before his 4th birthday!
Anna and Jonathan had some fun getting in Mama's wallet.

When Jonathan was 3, he went through a major Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles phase. Also, he took to wearing jackets even though it was July.

Jonathan at his school in Spring of 2007.

Jonathan was pretty excited about his first big boy bike!!! I still remember how surprised he was that Christmas morning. 3 years old!

Our annual Magic Oats Christmas Eve tradition. It is even better to attract Santa and his reindeer when you are dressed like Superman!

Jonathan selected a pretty heavy pumpkin. No problem for him!

Jonathan had just turned 3 in this picture! We were at the pumpkin patch.

1 comment:

Dave said...

That was also the year of his space boots. He was so happy in all of these pictures too. That just shows that he'll roll with anything that comes his way.