Friday, October 8, 2010

Happy Birthday Countdown!!! Jonathan's 2!

Jonathan had just turned 2 in this picture. He loved the beach, he always did his most important work there. He was always industrious at the beach, very intent on working hard in the sand.
So... when Jonathan was 2, he invented his infamous troll face. So ugly it's cute!

Jonathan, 2 years old, loved to climb up and down the sanddunes at the beach.

That's not a baby doll he was holding! This was Anna's first night home, which just happened to be Christmas Eve. Jonathan asked if he could hold her. It was such a sweet moment. I'll never forget.

Now, call me crazy, but I SWEAR Anna was smiling up at him a little. They really loved each other. Jonathan never let her cry for a second. "Mama! Mama! Anna is crying! She needs you!" He always spoke for her and stuck up for her and would include her in his play. Of course, now they are older, and they do fight. But they also still have fun together.

Jonathan in his pajamas, 2 years old. My sweet little man.

So... in this picture... I was about 7 months pregnant with Anna! I didn't show too much with her until closer to the end. Jonathan would have his baby sister in about 2 months. He was a great big brother right from the start, once he got over his initial disappointment that she wasn't a baby pony. He thought the fetal monitor always sounded like a galloping horse... I guess. Not exactly sure how that confusion started. He wasn't talking a whole lot at this point.

Summer of 2005... Jonathan is starting to grow up so fast! I like this picture because in the background you can see all of his toys. They gradually took over our living room. He was always a very happy go lucky sort of baby and toddler, always interested in everything, always able to stay content.

This was Valentine's Day, 2005. Jonathan's first trip to Sea World! We have spent many happy days there since.

Christmas Eve 2004! Jonathan started walking this evening! I remember it so well because we were at Christmas Eve service and he just started walking all over! He was 14 months old.

Nona's pantry is a perennial favorite for all the kids. He loved to get in here and pull stuff out and stack it. I remember those shoes. They had marks on the rubber toes from him crawling.

This was at Thanksgiving at Nona and Poppa's house! November 2004

Jonathan's Second Halloween! His first Halloween he was only about 2 weeks old. So for his first real trick-or-treating experience, he dressed up as Blue from Blue's Clues, which was his absolute favorite show! Justine was dressed up like... Cleopatra? I think? She was in first grade, the grade Jonathan is in now! And now she is in seventh grade. Time goes by...

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