Thursday, September 9, 2010

Words from Wednesday

Jonathan: Mama! Today's the twenty-two-th day of school!
(getting in the car after school, talking about how he wonders if he will ever get to be student of the week... He figures he will since it is the twenty-two-th day of school and he has never had his name written in The Book. The Book is sort of like the clips of yesteryear.)

Anna: Hold on, Mama. I just have to blog on. Let me get blogged on to my account, OK?
(playing with her Leapster, and wanting to show me one of her new (virtual) pet poodles)

Jonathan: Um..., that's what I usually say to Daddy.
(I fell and hurt my right hand last week, and I have it in a brace off and on, and I was holding a Gatorade bottle out to Jon. I asked him, here Buddy, can you open this for me?)

**Speaking of Buddy, every once in a while, like on Wednesday, I absentmindedly call Anna "Buddy." She invariably replies: Who is Buddy? I am NOT Buddy. Bubba is Buddy.**

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