The kids have too many stuffed animals. Many of them are Webkinz and since they have names, adoption certificates, and virtual counterparts, it seems really mean to just get rid of them. Anyways, all on his own, Jon spent some hours sorting and classifying his stuffed animals. How many horses does he have? 5! There are several pages to his book that he made by stapling paper together, and he explained that he chose to use the sticky notes because if he gets another frog, for example, he can just lift that piece of paper off and replace it with "frog 2." Isn't that so stinking clever of my boy???? A 100 on his spelling test for the week in the row, and now he already knows how to spell all the words for Friday today. My son is so smart. Also, a little odd. Like this weekend he asked if he could turn a q-tip into a pet. He put it in a little container and then added water and some soap to nourish it. Then he added more q-tips and said they were his q-tip family. Then Anna had to make her own q-tip family box. Then they spent yesterday and today having territorial showdowns over 2 empty boxes they brought in from the garage into our living room. There is one box that is clearly more desirable, and they have had some good fights over getting time in that box. Why do we buy toys? Seriously!
Okay... as I type, Jonathan is doing his homework. Dave is telling him his words and he has to draw a picture showing the meaning. One of his words is that. He quickly drew an arrow pointing to a circle to symbolize that. Isn't that SO smart! I mean, I have had a really looong day, but if someone asked me to draw a picture representing the word that, I don't think I would have come up with that so quickly!
I keep wondering that when Jon and Anna do really amazing things in the future, if we'll look back and say, yeah, it all makes sense for them to have acted that way.
WOW! I agree, I am still thinking of what I'd draw for the word that! It's been amazing watching Madeline grow and how MUCH she is learning these days!, your boy has some serious organizational skills...I might have to borrow him, lol
I'm pretty sure I could stare at a blank page for an hour if someone asked me to draw "that".
Also... he built a database!
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