Monday, May 31, 2010

Memorial Day Weekend 2010

We spent almost an entire day putting this back in order. Somehow we cleared the entire top off, plus had one whole empty shelf by the end. I really regret not taking a before shot. Without the before picture, you really can't appreciate the after. But this is what I used my new label maker for. Anna typed and printed most of the labels for me. The second top left shelf has all of the kids school work binders and memory books from Jonathan's first year of preschool, 2006-07 until now. The kids both have a red box full of their own art supplies, a shared box of play-doh supplies, and I have my own box labelled Mama stuff. Then I have my own shelf of binders, which includes all of my teaching certification stuff, and one years worth of printed blog archives, and other such stuff. The two red file boxes have all of our household/personal files and records. On the far left there is a pullout drawer unit with paper, and other supplies like scissors, tape and glue. On the bottom far left is all of our current school supplies (the kids are enforcing a home school schedule this summer; so bizzare...not sure if it is our lack of cable or what). Anyways, next I am onto the master bedroom and bath and my closet. I am finding it hard to sleep in such chaos. I told Dave I wish he would stop buying all of this nail polish, hair supplies, lotions, costmetics, purses and shoes, etc. Sheesh. ;) I mean, how many shades of pale pink nail polish can he possibly need? PS Honey, thank you for putting up with your messy, product hoarding slob of a wife.
Dave and Anna made these chocolate fudge cupcakes this morning. Today from scratch. The frosting was so fudgy. The method of frosting, unfortunately... reminds me of little piles of dog poo. Did this stop me from eating them? No.

Anna is the Naked Chef. I really hope she learns to accept clothing.

One of the things we did this weekend was go through every scrap of work I had kept all year from both kids. There was SO much to sift through and it was so hard for me to throw any of it away. This is an example of something I couldn't justify keeping because of how bulky it was... but I loved it so much. We took a picture of it for memory keeping.

Our first trip to the beach for the summer. The kids both got right in the water. I didn't intend on going in but I wound up not only wet but soaked in muddy sand. That'll teach me to start a mud fight with Anna.

Plays well with others.

Anna kept pretending she was surfing.
I love this picture. Jonathan really got into the waves. I was hovering nearby trying not to freak and go get him out of the water. He was playing with some other kids whose parents were sunbathing and drinking (just beer, they were keeping it classy) at 10 AM and not watching their kids at all. I was not as "cool" as these parents and therefore I was really embarassing Jon.

Jonathan dug a hole. He is always industrious at the beach.

Anna and Daddy headed out to the water.

Dave and me.

Jonathan got a new Webkinz and drew a really good picture of him. His name is Flippers and he is a spotted seal. Anna thought of the name and he told her, "Thank you for giving me the name, Anna. It is such a good one." Her Webkinz is named Soft Sprinkles.

Three cousins. Anna (behind the alligator), Justine, and Jonathan.

Jonathan making friends with my oldest friend Marielle's youngest son. Marielle and I made friends on my first day of second grade at Creel Elementary. I was super scared and super shy, and she rescued me. I always had so much fun with her. She had the coolest Barbie house and we always had marathon Monopoly sessions. It was so nice to have our families meet. I told her we have to get together more often than every 12 years! I am grateful we reconnected through the wonders of Facebook.

While going through all the stuff in the dining room, I found this picture of me at age 4 (I say I actually look more like Jon in this picture than Anna) with my great-great Uncle Jim. I almost threw it out in a pile of other stuff. He was my grandpa. He was hard-working, honest, loyal, kind, and funny. He was a great example of good character for me growing up. They brought their motor home here to Florida from Oklahoma every year of my childhood, and I also went to visit them back home. Jim was a great man and my namesake (James: Jamie). I am grateful for the time he gave my Mom during her childhood and also for the time he spent with me and my brothers. They never had any of their own kids but they treated many nieces and nephews like their own. I miss him and I wish he were here to meet my kids. I regret not bringing Dave to Oklahoma to meet him before he passed away. At least he got to meet Jim's wife, Vernie, and at least Vernie got to meet and spend time with Jonathan as a baby. Vernie came to Florida and my Mom took care of her at the end. Jonathan made her so happy, as did my sweet niece Justine.

Friday, May 28, 2010


I just overheard Anna praying: God, please don't let my flowers die. (Her bouquets of flowers in a vase from last Sunday's dance recital.)
Jonathan came by and said: What are you doing that for, Anna? Flowers just die. They just do.
Anna said: But God can do it, Jonathan! He can do it if he wants to.
Jonathan: It isn't going to work. Flowers have to die.
Anna: Well, I WANT to ask God to let them live. He might do it.
Jonathan shakes his head, shrugs his shoulders, and walks away.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Jonathan's Lists

Now, before you think I am a bad mother for letting him compose the following lists, let me remind you that this is actually a literacy building activity. I guess these are to do with his future hopes and dreams.

Jonathan's Potty Word List
  1. Pee on the floor until I flood the bathroom.
  2. If someone punched me in the penis, I would choke him.
  3. I want to step in dog poop.
  4. I want to jump off a boat.
  5. I want to step on a fish.
  6. I never want to go to school.
  7. I want to play Webkinz all day.
  8. Poop in my pants on purpose.
Jonathan's List of Happiness
  1. Have 50 dogs.
  2. Plant a garden.
  3. Have 2 kittens.
  4. Feed a Shamu.
  5. I love the brown dog.
  6. Have 1 puppy.
  7. Build a boat.
  8. Have a pet hamster too.
  9. Hold my hamster.
  10. My hamster can run in a ball.
  11. I want to go to the North Pole.
  12. My hamster is white and brown.
  13. Pet a bunny.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Anna's Dance Recital

All done up and ready to go!

But it took some major work. There was a lot of silliness!
A lot of screaming...

A lot of sweetness...

AND quite a bit of melodrama. Once it was over, Anna declared that she would never again wear a bun in her hair. NO MORE BUNS, EVER! (The Great Bun Proclamation of 2010).

Before I know it, I am going to be seeing her off to prom. And then at her wedding. Sniffle, sob.
Like, Oh my gosh! Can you bee-leeve my Dad is putting my tights on? (Can you see the total attitude here?) Dave had to be the one to put the special recital tights on. My nerves were shot from the bun and makeup ordeal, and if I had ripped the tights while putting them on, I would have probably started weeping. They were very, very special plain pink tights. ;)

Jonathan popped in right at the last second. He was so good today about letting this be Anna's day. He was very patient during the loooong recital. We were gone for a total of 5 hours and he was so well-behaved. He told Anna on the way to the car, You did a good dance, Anna. :) Yesterday when she was talking about being up on the big stage for the dress rehearsal, he asked her, "what if you mess up, Anna?" She was like, "Mess what up?" He said, "You know, you get up there on the stage, and you don't do your dance the right way and you mess it all up." She just stared at him blankly. I don't think it had occurred to her that there would be any way to mess it up. Funny and sad how we change as we get older...

On the way. She had this big t-shirt over her costume to keep it clean... and we had the towel on her carseat so the carseat wouldn't contaminate the tights. She was thirsty on the way there, and she started to ask for her drink, and then she said, wait, can you drink with lipstick on? How do you do it? I told her I would reapply!

Dave picked out white roses for Anna, Jonathan a yellow bunch of flowers, and my Mom brought her a multi-colored bouquet. Justine brought her a beautiful hibiscus from her yard, and Anna loved them all very much.

Here she is with all her flowers after the show. She told us we would have to get out ALL the watering cans (vases) to fit all her flowers in!

Ballet Recital Video Clip

Anna's the one with the yellow flower petals around her face (they keep falling and she is totally distracted by them the entire time!). I think she is second from left, on your left, as you face the computer. Look for the one who misses most of it because of the petals in her face. :) That was one of the most fun things about the recital... seeing how all the kids of varying ages handled various mishaps with music, costumes, someone in your group forgetting completely what they are supposed to do, not quite making a landing after a tumble, all of it was very cute. I am very proud of Anna and I think she did a great job this weekend. I am glad we followed through all the way to the end of the year, even though it was trying at times... (to say the least!)

I liked this dance better. She was the one on the left for most of this, although there was another little girl further left. But Anna was the last one of the stage. This was their first piece, and it was tap. You can see her better in this one, and her headpiece wasn't distracting her as much. I was just proud that she went up there in front of all those people and did it!

Friday, May 21, 2010

Brand-a and Me

My cousin Brandi from Kansas came to visit from Miami. She is living in Miami temporarily. Anna calls her Branda. I suspect she knows she is saying it wrong but is just keeping up the joke. Brandi and I had a really good time, or at least I did. :) She came at the peak of our lovebug invasion. I've never seen anything like it. It was crazy this year! I think they have already lessened considerably. Anna loves this picture, so I chose it. Dave was taking them and he kept saying SMILE! Whenever this happens, I am already smiling, and when I hear SMILE! I wind up trying to smile just a little bigger, and then it turns into a snarl. Anyways, I am really grateful that Brandi made the trip up because I really needed someone to talk to... for about 17 hours, apparently. She probably kept the radio off on the drive back to Miami to relish the sound of silence.
Thinking of Anna saying Branda makes me think of my aunt Vernie who always called Miami "Miama" (like My-am-uh).
I've never been to Miami. I've never been south of West Palm Beach. I get to go back to West Palm for a Rush concert (for Dave) in November. But I am thinking of making a trip down to Miami before Brandi leaves. It seems a little odd that my cousin from Kansas has lived down there now and I have lived in Florida so long and never even been to south Florida. And it would be nice to see her again.
I am out to tutor my favorite high-schooler this morning. Most of my jobs at schools have ended now. It made me so sad to say goodbye to the kids. I will really miss them. I said goodbye to 5 great kids yesterday and it made me feel very sad. Of course it helped that one of the first graders spent the entire time berating me for not bringing him gummy worms as I had promised to. That made the goodbye a little easier. :)

Monday, May 17, 2010


"Maybe he has that sickness where you fart and then you poop in your underwear." --Anna, May 2010.
I don't want to explain the context, except for that it involved her brother and a piece of phantom poo that we could never account for.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Nine years ago...

On one of our first dates. I made Dave chicken parmesan. It was the first time I ever cooked anything for him. I had to bring all of the ingredients and cooking supplies over. I don't have photos from our actual first date, which happened on May 13, 2001. How I wish I had photos, for history's sake, although if I had insisted on taking photos on our first date, there may never have been a second. When this picture was taken, I didn't even have a digital camera yet. I think Dave was the first person I met who had a digital camera. I thought he was so tech-y. Of course, I had a cell phone, and he didn't. And I used something called an ATM, and he didn't. We were married by the first weekend of November, that same year. Looking back, I don't know how it happened. He broke up with me several times that summer. Maybe my chicken parmesan was really that good?

Thursday, May 13, 2010

My Lion Head

This is the beautiful lion head that Jonathan worked so hard on at school. He brought it home all wrapped up in pink tissue paper along with a really sweet handmade card. Can you believe he glued each tiny piece of paper on there? He wants me to hang it up in my room. It doesn't really go, but I am thinking about it. My kids and hubby all worked hard to make Mother's Day very special this year. Love them!


I think this is uglier than any tan is pretty. I wish all my friends and loved ones would wear sunblock regularly, and PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE don't go to tanning beds. Besides being ugly, this just hurts, and it gives you lots of worry. Not worth it.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Happy Mother's Day, To MEEEE!

Anna came up with the idea for the cake. She decided on a white cake with white icing. Her and Dave made it all from scratch. She was also in charge of the decorating. Isn't it awesome? I like how she concentrated each individual component in one area. Jonathan did the lettering, Happy Mother's Day, and drew some of the figures on the cake with gel. I love that Dave really let them decorate it all by themselves. By the time I got home on Mother's Day, Anna had long been asleep, but Jonathan stayed up so late because he wanted to give me my presents. He was so excited. And Anna remembered right when she woke up the next morning and had to show me everything all over again.
Jonathan has the super cute hedgehog I brought the kids home from New Hampshire. They LOVE their hedgehogs. Jonathan named his Diarrhea, said that this was his superhero name. He keeps saying, DIARRHEA TO THE RESCUE! and giggling. Ahhh, potty humor. Shouldn't we be past this yet? (Although, I do have to think that Diarrhea coming to the rescue is funnier on a deeper level than just potty humor.)
The flowers they got me. Anna picked some out that had a big sunflower, which are my favorite. And I also love the yellow roses that are tinged with orange. I really like my flowers. Anna was also in charge of picking these out. She got two different arrangements that "matched." Dave said she really deliberated over them. She had to decide on the colors first, and then she had to inspect each individual flower and reject those that had imperfections. She is so funny about stuff like this.
Jonathan ran up to me and gave me a huge hug and said, I really missed you a lot, Mama. And I gave him a big smoocheroo on his forehead, and he actually didn't wipe it off for once. It is sort of a longstanding joke between us. I said, what, you aren't going to wipe that one off? And he said, no, I want to keep that one. Then he told me he just wanted to stay home from school the next morning so he could "just hug me and stuff." I really missed them a lot. I don't think I will leave them again on Mother's Day weekend.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mother's Day

Anna drinking her tea (apple juice) at the Mother's Day Tea at her preschool.

Anna saying her prayer before eating.

Anna and Mama, self-portrait.

Anna's growing up into a little lady... love her.