Wednesday, March 17, 2010


Every night Jonathan asks to go to bed because his teacher told him he should get 10 hours of sleep and he wants to make sure that he does. He remembers to brush his teeth, and use mouthwash, and floss, because they had dental education week at his school and he took the whole thing to heart.
Every day after school he asks to do his homework. He always reminds me and wants to get it done first so he can play. His play is also like work (although he is having fun). Either he is drawing, and drawing, and drawing some more, and writing captions under his drawings, or he is constructing. Sometimes with Legoes, sometimes just with boxes and random pieces of junk.
Every weekend he asks, "Do we have any parties this weekend? How many stay at home days do we have?" This Friday I told him none and he was pretty ticked about Dave's birthday because he told me I had told them there would be no parties. He really values his stay home time and thinks that weekends and evenings should be spent entirely at home.
Every morning he asks if "Please can we go to school? I have a big work project to do and I need to get started on it." He has anxiety about getting to school early because he wants to get a jumpstart on his morning work, because if he doesn't then he might get behind for the whole day.
Every Monday, he asks me every twenty minutes if it is time for horseback riding lessons yet. He LOVES his lessons. He never slacks off on getting Buttercup ready or grooming her after he rides her. He likes the work. Even as a baby, we always thought of him as very industrious.
This morning, I went in his room and turned on his light. He asked me, bleary-eyed, "Mama, is your headache feeling better?" First words out of his mouth. And sometimes at dinner, he will say, "Mama, thank you for cooking this. It is good."
Do you see his halo? Because I swear I can see it, just a little bit? What a fantastic kid. Sometimes I have to work on getting him not to take stuff so seriously! But God gave him that kind of heart and mind and I am grateful. It certainly makes parenting him easy.

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