Tuesday, March 9, 2010


Today we were driving in the car and Anna said:

Do you know in some other state when you go to school you have to take your shoes off?

You just leave them by the front door. But they let you leave your socks on.

(She learned about other cultures lately at p-school, so I am assuming this is where this came from.)

While I was helping Jonathan with his homework tonight, Anna was busy making cards for EVERYONE in our family. Including Aunt Americus (that's you, Meredith!) and Unca Kiss (Chris, who is now more correctly known as Ella's Daddy, according to Anna). Yesterday I thought it was so sweet that she was naming her pet rock Cory, after my brother. But she kept getting mad at me, and saying, NO! CORY! Finally she said (with MUCH attitude), You know? Like hair? And she made a curly-q motion with her hand. Then I finally got it. So her pet rock is named Curly, which makes sense since it is rocking an awesome head of springy red hair.

Is it a little wrong that I secretly don't want her speech problem to go away? I mean, she is going to "peach gas" two times a week and she is making improvements. More people can understand more of what she is saying... but I just think her little voice is SO cute. I guess the day she can enunciate perfectly will be the day she really grows up, and goes off to, sniff, Kindergarten...

Okay. Never mind. She interrupted her cuteness just now when she shrieked from the living room, without stopping to breathe for air: Whateveritisyou'remakingfordinnerIdon'tlikeitand IDON'TwantitandIWON'Teatit.
So, that little tidbit? Wasn't so cute, even with the darling speech problem.

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