Sunday, February 14, 2010

Bedroom # 1, All Done!

Yesterday we finally got the bedroom done! New floors, new baseboards... I am so happy. And, I think, almost best of all, we were able to move our bedroom furniture out of the various rooms we had moved it to back to our bedroom. It is so nice when you want to get dressed to only have to go to one room, instead of three.
Next, we will start on Bubba's room. He asked if we could hurry up and give him wood floors because he can make better Lego explosions on hard floors than his carpet. Then, eventually, Anna's room.


Little Gliddens said...

looks soooo good..I want to take a nap in your bed right now! lol

Unknown said...

I like the floor and armoire! Looks fancy!

thedooligans4 said...

Thanks, it is the furniture we've had since we got married, and the walls and the bedding are the same, but we just replaced the flooring and the baseboards! I like it a lot.