Monday, February 22, 2010

Jonathan's Words

Crying last night (in anticipation of having to go to school):
I wish school had never been invented!
I just want to be house-schooled.

This AM, on the way to school, to Anna:
I hope you get my teacher when you get to Kindergarten.
Then you'll see what it is like to do work all day long.

Getting in the car to come home today:
NO, I didn't have a good day today. Didn't you hear me say I did a Jog-a-thon? They made us go for TWO hours. OF COURSE I didn't have a good day.

This afternoon, as he did his math homework (using manipulatives to complete addition number sentences, 2+0=2, etc):
This is disgusting.
I don't like doing math with beans.
(They were dried beans. He acts like I opened a can of juicy kidney beans and plopped some down on the table for him to work with.)

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