Saturday, January 9, 2010


My niece Justine AKA JoJo cuddling Biscuit, the cutest little shi tzu ever.

"Stop taking pictures of me and pet me!" Biscuit is one of those dogs that still seems like a puppy, both in personality and appearance. He is so cute!

We let the cat (Sabrina) inside because of the unusually cold weather (we keep trying to put her and Sprite in the garage, but they are either warm enough, or just don't have the good sense to go inside). For the first time since we got the gerbils, Sabrina noticed them. It was entertaining to watch her try to find a way to get them. We think the gerbils knew they were safe because they were practically taunting her. Or maybe they are just too dumb to know that Sabrina and Sprite have killed bigger creatures than them in the past.

I got a new camera for Christmas, and I haven't quite figured out how to use it yet. So there are lots of pictures of me looking like this...staring up in confusion at the camera and unaware I am taking a picture of myself. You might think I am angry, but no, just puzzled.

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