Monday, January 18, 2010

Fuzzy Goes to Steak n' Shake

Anna brought Fuzzy home from preschool on Friday. We were having TOO much adventure (translation: everyone was puking) so we kept him safely tucked away until this evening. Anna wanted to take him somewhere special to eat, and Mama thoughtfully looked over her menu plans for the week (translation: there isn't a flippin' thing to eat in this house; we are out of groceries) and decided we could take him wherever Anna wanted. Anna chose Steak n' Shake. Fuzzy sat nicely at the table. He even wore his hat while we waited for the food to arrive.
Jonathan asked us, exasperatedly, "How come at fancy restaurants they always bring the drinks out first, and then they make you wait to get the food?" Good question! That is a problem with a fancy restaurant such as Le Steak & Le Shake. The food isn't automatic like at non-fancy places, like McDonald's. Mama is glad that the kids have never really eaten anywhere that can qualify as fancy, since a dinner out at a diner chain can cost a family of four over twenty bucks, easily.
Anna was a little distressed as we looked through the Fuzzy's Amazing Adventure book. Other children in her class had taken Fuzzy various places, and had included cute photos and stories to go along with them. She saw that he had been on a boat, and got tearful because "we don't have one of those boat outfits for Fuzzy and I don't know where to get one!" She was referring to the kiddie-sized life vest they had strapped onto Fuzzy. Aww!

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