Sunday, November 13, 2011

Trick or Treat 2011

We brought out pumpkin over to Nona's to put on her front porch. We always trick or treat in her neighborhood.
Action shot!
Justine (Zombie Killer!) Anna, Trystan, Jonathan. Multiple cameras out so kids all looking various directions.
Get out of my way. There is candy to be had.

Anna looked darling in her costume.
Anna, Trystan, Jonathan. Kindergarten, First, and Second graders!!!
Tell me Jon doesn't look awesome... Green Lantern!
In preparation to be matching Crayola Tickle Me Pink Crayons, we put some pink streaks in our hair. Anna had her first awards ceremony ever for elementary school the next morning... and she got her award with the pink streaks in her hair. :) (It was really late when we got home! Too late for a bath!)
T-man! Trystan was a soldier. I think a desert one? He could explain it in far greater detail than I could...

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