Wednesday, July 27, 2011

New Hampshire: Summer 2011, Part I

Anna and I on the top of Mount Washington, or as Jon has renamed it: Mount Puke-ing-ton
We caved and bought some hats at the gift shop at the summit. Partially because our ears were freezing because we were up in the clouds, and partially because Anna was just so darn cute in hers! See her modeling it below? Awww!

Anna, 5 years old, found the drive up the mountain and the weather to be exhilarating. Jon? Not so much. I tried to pretend to feel like Anna, but I was really feeling more like Jonathan. But it was a very neat experience, and I am glad we had it! It was an awesome view and a fun adventure!
Anna, Uncle Cory, and Jonathan. Jonathan was wearing Daddy's shirt that we had bought at the gift shop... He was not so pleased with this.
Baby Abe, 1 year old! On the porch at his house. He was the best part of New Hampshire!

After he got home from school, Abe liked to forage in the garden for a snack.
As you can see here, Abe enjoys his meals.
Mia (German Shepherd puppy), Jon, Uncle Cory, Abe (in stroller) and Anna out on a walk
Aunt Erin with Mia and Jon
Abe out in the garden
Jonathan and his Mama (me) after our swim/picnic at the lake (okay, I never got in because that water was COLD!)
Anna doing her thing and rocking out to the music they were playing at the lake... She is so funny. According to her, it doesn't matter what kind of rock music it is, as long as it is LOUD!

Anna said, Get a picture of me being like the Little Mermaid on these rocks! (As if I need any encouragement to take MORE pics!)
Uncle Dave, Abe, Jonathan and Anna. Cousins! Jonathan, 7, Anna, 5, and Abe, 1. Seeing Anna and Abe together brought back lots of memories of Jonathan and Justine together... Anna loved spending time with Abe. She took lots of pictures and video of him, and at one point proclaimed, He is just so cute I want to put him in my suitcase and take him home with me!
Aunt Jamie, Abe and Jon.
Uncle Cory had fireworks! Yay! The kids had not had any fireworks or sparklers this year so they had lots of fun with this.
Anna, Jonathan and me. I love my babies. They are going to start 2nd grade and the big K in a few weeks! I would say, where does the time go, but Jonathan looks so tall in that picture? I can totally see him as a third grader! And Anna has been ready to go to Kindergarten since um, like, DECEMBER! When she turned, FIVE! DUH! SERIOUSLY! (her words, not mine!)
Front porches are just fun! The end!
Jonathan made a great new friend! They had so much fun together!
Baby Abe with his mama, Erin, by the lake.
Jonathan, talking about something funny. Cory, Abe and Anna in the background.
Is Jon 7... or 17 here????
Abe giving his cousin Anna the staredown... maye thinking, is she going to eat ALL those chips? Is she going to SHARE whatever is in that green bottle? Hmmm...

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