Sunday, December 19, 2010

Countdown to Anna's 5th Birthday! Year 2

Anna's TWO! At her second birthday party, after the cake... In the tub.

This is my Happy Birthday girl! Happy # 2!

Anna and Jonathan at the beach. November 2007. 23 months.

A princess on her way out for Trick-Or-Treat. 22 months old!

Anna and me.

October 31, 2007. I looked into the backseat and Anna had put on some of her princess jewelry.

September 2007. 21 months. With Red Puppy, which she got at Justine's birthday party that February.

Total Anna... I can't even explain it! LOVE it!

August 2007 20 months old. Anna always had her own personal tub of Olivio at the table, and she loved to eat out of it.

I don't know what this was about!

August 2007. 20 months old; asleep in Mama's bed, on top of Red Puppy. She loved Red Puppy. I love the way her hair was always so crazy (because she did so much wild nursing during the night.)

Fourth of July, 2007. Anna was 17 months old.

Anna and I. She is about 16months old in these pictures. I had just gotten home from the gym in these pictures. It seems like this was yesterday. I had succeeded in getting her in a dress AND a pretty bow! And then she ripped it out and tried to eat it. She's still not into the whole hair accessory thing. But as she says, "I'm already beautiful, Mama. I don't need anything else!"

I wore the bow.

So Anna and me... That's my girl.

Just climbing around on the dining room table. Whenever I got a bow in her hair, I took a picture! Because it wasn't staying in there long.

January 2007: First Steps. This was at my brother Jason's birthday dinner. Love the dress up skirt. Now she wears it on her head!

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