Thursday, August 13, 2009

Thursday Jonathan's 1st Day of School!!!!

Waking up early is a bummer, but then there's that nice corn dog/ chocolate milk breakfast waiting for you... I know this isn't the best breakfast, but it's better than nothing, right?

Jonathan with Daddy, waiting to go. He was suprised at how heavy his backpack was when he put it on! I think I packed enough lunch and snack to keep him fed and hydrated for a couple of days. I feel like he is going off to summer camp instead of six hours of school!

Walking to the car.

Crossing the street to go into school.

About to get in the car at home. Cheerful and ready to go!

Jonathan and me before we left for school. No makeup, and I cried my eyes out (not just about school starting, but about the long and rotten day I had...) last night... but I still like this picture because Jonathan is so handsome in it!

This was the self-portrait, handprint and name he created during his evaluation Monday. Now, I know he writes some of his letters upside down and backwards, but Dave and I both think this was cut out and pasted upside down. We've never seen him write his name like this! But I LOVE his self-portrait! I think it actually looks like him. The head proportion, the size of the ears, the unruly hair... So sweet!

The picture of Jonathan on the bulletin board outside his classroom. His teacher took this at his evaluation.

Overall, a great start to his school career! I am so proud of him today! He walked right in, found his name on his cubby hole and put his backpack in there. Then he walked around until he located his name at his desk, and took a seat. He was happy to see one of his best buds from VPK in his class. I think he will come home tired but I think he will have a very good day. And I walked out of the building calmly and have not shed one tear! Yay, Jonathan, and Yay, me!

1 comment:

Dave said...

I'm very proud of you and him today. I can't wait to ask him how his first day went.