Wednesday, February 4, 2009


I am excited about a couple of things:
1.) We paid off our credit card debt! Of course we still have two car payments and a mortgage, but I am happy that we made a step in the right direction!
2.) I got a new phone! I broke mine, and Dave thought he ordered me the exact same one. This is basically the same, except it looks much snazzier! And I am just so happy to have my phone back!
3.) My mother-in-law is coming for a visit on Wednesday! We are glad to have her. She needs a break and she needs to see the kids. And my Dad is coming in March! I am always glad when my kids get to be around their grands and their aunts/uncles.
4.) I have a job interview with a preschool on Friday! I am nervous to go to the interview, but not really too worried about whether or not I get the job. Of course, I would like a job, but it won't be a crisis if I don't get one. Which is sort of a nice feeling.
5.) My awesome friend Jana treated me to a facial yesterday and my skin feels fantastic!
6.) I am looking forward to MOPS tomorrow AM! Valerie, the pastor's wife from church is coming to speak, and I am really excited to hear what she has to share! And I am looking forward to the Mom's Movie Night this Saturday!
7.) I have been feeling much better lately! No terrible headaches! Like I have a slight one right now, but none of my really, really intense ones! Which is a HUGE deal for me!


thedooligans4 said...

When did I start using exclamation points so much! That used to be one of my biggest pet peeves! Come to think about it, I am just so much happier than I used to be! I would have REALLY annoyed myself in my younger years!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on being out of debt!

Jones said...

way to go on paying off the cc debt!!! and it's good to hear you've been feeling better! and it's great to be so excited!! exclamations are so wonderful! it makes me so happy!!! I just can't stop!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hee hee