Sunday, February 1, 2009

The Best Part of My Week

They often say at New Hope something like they really hope that "this is the best part of your week." Well, from last Sunday afternoon, until this Sunday evening, my entire week, except this morning at church, has just been crap. I really don't know how how else to put it. I am struggling in ways that I have never struggled before. And I can honestly, completely say that the time I spent at New Hope today was absolutely the brightest spot in my entire week. It was the only time all week that I did not feel hugely inadequate, completely anxious and totally discouraged. It was the only time all week where I could worship and pray and learn and not have to put on a happy face or pretend I have it all (or any of it) together.
I am not having a very easy time right now. But I am grateful to have a safe place to go every week where I can be encouraged by the love of other people who are real and funny and brave and just doing their best for Jesus, where I can find purpose in serving God by helping others feel at home so they can learn and grow in Christ, and where I can just lay my worries down at His feet and know that there are others who are right there with me.
Going to church this morning, attending service, and serving in ministry really, truly was the best part of my week.
Here's to a new week... I am going to officially start it on Monday: a day where my glasses did not get broken before I even got out of bed, and my beloved cell phone did not drop and shatter into pieces, and I did not feel physically and emotionally horrible. And other stuff also, which to list would take away the focus of this post... Tomorrow's another day.
But it was good to be reminded of how blessed I am to be a part of New Hope.

1 comment:

Little Gliddens said...

I am sorry you have been struggling so much! but I am glad that God gave you some peace and happienss yesterday! and I hope this is a better week for you! Miss you!